Real Men Blog

By Debbie Morrow

Men can find relaxation in blogging and it is beneficial to their health. Photo courtesy of flickrCC : The Barefoot Blogger.

Blogging for Your Health

I tend to agree with The Geek Gal Juj from Geek in the Home.  In her post Why Men Need Blogs, she suggests men need a writing outlet to channel their feelings, find support and release emotions they may not feel comfortable sharing in person.

Many times, men (and anyone else, at that rate) need a healthy outlet after a stressful day. This could be either writing what they’ve encountered during their day, or reading what others in the same boat are feeling.

Evidence of Good Blogs by Men

The Geek Gal doesn’t seem to think there are good men blogs out there. For this point, I’ll have to disagree.  Women do out rank men in the blog world, but I’ve come across some interesting heartfelt or funny blogs from regular guys.

Some of these would include: Barry Mernin’s Expat Teacher Man, Thomas from XPwithMe, Stuart from Stu’s Shed, Michael King with Stories of Faith and Family and Cameron Barrett at

A Healthy Habit

It is proven that writing in a journal (which really is how blogs began) is cathartic. It’s healthy for your mind, soul and spirit.

It is also proven that maintaining healthy habits of releasing stress can lengthen a life expectancy and prevent illness. So tell the men out there…Real men do blog. It might just save their life.

2 thoughts on “Real Men Blog

  1. Geekgal says:

    Debbie- Thanks for the reference. I agree that there are probably some great male focused blogs out there, but I think the awareness levels are very low and the impetus on men to actually use those outlets even lower. Great thoughts and reflections!

  2. Your right on both counts, a lot of men believe blogs are a “girl thing” and getting men to blog can be like pulling teeth! When I asked my husband why he didn’t blog he said “Nobody will be interested in what I have to say”. I wonder how many other men out there feel the same way?

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