Drive More Traffic to Your Blog

Image of a Stat Counter for Cybersoc courtesy of FlickrCC

What Makes a Good Blog

Some people believe that if you post it…they will come. That’s just not the case. In order to drive more traffic to your blog, you need to take some easy but thoughtful steps:

1)      Read other people’s blogs. Take the time each night to find topics and bloggers who have piqued your interest and subscribe to them. You’d be surprised how reading interesting blogs can induce your own creative juices.

2)      Comment on other people’s blogs. When you truly give your view point within a comment, you’ll likely get feedback, including visits to your own blog.

3)      Try to write as often as possible, but don’t simply post words to fill space. Readers aren’t interested in meaningless posts. When you write on subjects that are compelling, people will comment, hit their like button or even subscribe to your blog.

4)      Write concisely and without errors. Even though you may have a spell check, make sure the word you’re using is the word you need. Hit your preview button to reread your post and edit. After editing, reread again. You’d be surprised how even seasoned editors can miss an error. It’s just human nature.

5)      Make your blog visually appealing and interactive. Allow comments whenever possible and reply to comments. Use links, a blog roll and other widgets to make the user experience more pleasurable.

6)      Let the readers know you and your focus for blogging by posting a page about how or why you began blogging.  People relate easier when they can identify with some of your aspirations, trials and triumphs.

I’m hardly an expert on blogging. Yet, I have paid attention to what draws me to a blog versus ones that make me hit the back button to escape.  If I’ve missed any tips, let me know. Thanks!

2 thoughts on “Drive More Traffic to Your Blog

  1. Jason Alan says:

    My advice would be to not shy away from writing about topics that you might think would be unpopular. There are many times when I thought I shouldn’t express my opinion on a certain subject, did it anyway, and found out that a lot of people actually agreed with me. This is not to say that you should just seek out people that agree, of course. Debate is a key component to learning. We would all do well to remember that.

    • I totally agree and have to say that a few times I’ve been hesitant with writing on a subject that “stirs the pot”. When I did post it, I was pleasantly surprised. This world would be completely boring if we all had the same opinion and I learn from other people’s perspective. Very Good Tip. Thanks!

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